Monday, October 21, 2013

The Federal Reserve explained to you in words you can understand in less than 30 minutes

This is something they should have taught us in grade school, but did not. In fact they never taught this in high school either, but should have. The things that go on our world that most people have no understanding of would make a lot more sense to them if they had a grasp of how our monetary system works. Once you understand the policies and rules that govern the monetary system and the way its under the control of private banks. Many things that made no sense before suddenly become very clear.

Any politician who tells you they can fix the economy is lying, because you can't fix something that isn't broke. You can't fix something that's doing exactly what it was designed to do. Sure all the news is about failing economy and such but they want you to worry about it and its really just scare tactic to keep the people in check. The system is designed so that it only benefits the very wealthy. That's why presidents, senators, and congressmen, pass laws that only benefit the wealthy, they never benefit anyone else.

Inflation isn't something that may happen, inflation is indigenous to the system and is nothing more than a tax on working people. There have only been two presidents who ever tried to take control of the monetary system away from the banks. Lincoln and Kennedy. In both cases they might have succeeded had they not been murdered. But once they were out of the way any plan they had was quickly forgotten and swept under a rug that no one ever uses.

Remember, the Federal Reserve is not a government institution, its a private bank. And like all private banks it has one purpose. To make a profit.

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